Summary: Sikaflex Pro
Box 12 cartridges 310 ml
Box 20 sausages 600 ml
Sikaflex-PRO is a one-component thixotropic, polyurethane based joint sealant. It cures under the influence of atmospheric moisture to form an elastomeric material with adhesive properties. Works as an elastic adhesive for
Expansion joints in buildings and civil structures above and below ground
Construction joints
Joints in precast concrete elements
External wall cladding and cladding joints
Infill panel joints
Curtain walling
Water retaining structures for potable water
Sanitary installations
Sealing around window and door frames
Flexible draught proofing
Sealing penetrations in walls or floors for ducts, piping, etc.
Sanitary purposes
Box 12 cartridges 310 ml
Box 20 sausages 600 ml
Sikaflex-PRO is a one-component thixotropic, polyurethane based joint sealant. It cures under the influence of atmospheric moisture to form an elastomeric material with adhesive properties. Works as an elastic adhesive for
Expansion joints in buildings and civil structures above and below ground
Construction joints
Joints in precast concrete elements
External wall cladding and cladding joints
Infill panel joints
Curtain walling
Water retaining structures for potable water
Sanitary installations
Sealing around window and door frames
Flexible draught proofing
Sealing penetrations in walls or floors for ducts, piping, etc.
Sanitary purposes