Due to this product's short shelf life, we do not keep this product in store. You can purchase online and select 'Shipping' or 'Pick-Up in Store' option at check-out and we will organise a special order by the supplier. PLEASE ALLOW 3-5 BUSINESS DAYS from order confirmation.
Ardex Wide Joint WJ50 is a sanded, cement-based tile grout. It is ideal for use in joint widths 2mm to 50mm wide without shrinking. Exceptionally easy to use and has superior colour consistency.
- Tile Types: Ceramic tiles, terrazzo, slate, quarry tiles and natural stones (excluding moisture senstive)
Internal, External (Swimming pools and timber floors use with undiluted ARDEX Grout Booster)
- Surfaces: Floor, Walls
- Colours: Various

Summary: Ardex Abacolor Wide Joint WJ50 Non Shrink Coloured Wide Joint Grout, ideal for use up to 50mm with cobble stones without shrinkage. Can be used in swimming pools with the addition of Ardex Grout Booster.