LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive is a specially designed latex additive for use with LATICRETE 211 Powder to make high strength latex thin-set bed up to 1/8" (3 mm) and medium bed up to 5/8" (15mm) mortars.
For installing all types of ceramic tile and natural stone and agglomerates. Also for use with portland cement to make slurry bond coats for mortar beds and with thin set mortars to give improved performance and longer open time.
To achieve longer open time under tropical or desert conditions,
contact your local LATICRETE Technical Services office.
LATICRETE 254 Platinum is a LATICRETE approved substitute for LATICRETE 211 Powder mixed with LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive
Used for installation of all types of ceramic tile, brick, stone and agglomerates. LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive offers the speed and economy of adhesives with the permanent, water resistant dependability of portland cement.
Can also be mixed with LATICRETE PermaColor™ Grout for the installation of paper face
mounted glass mosaic tile for the one step method.