Water based version of IMPERSTON which retains the most important properties of the regular formula. Naturally this water based formula has less penetrating capacity and is best suited for surfaces with medium to high porosity. On low porous surfaces penetration will be less than that achieved by the solvent based product. With its very high degree of protection from infiltration
The ideal treatment for every type of stone surface, whether polished or glossy, terrazzo and cement agglomerates, building tile, bricks, unglazed tiles, concrete.
It is especially recommended for the protection of marble and granite as the best defence in protecting work surfaces and floors in kitchens and bathrooms.
The product works by impregnation and does not form a coat on the surface, nor in anyway alters the natural colour and the characteristics of the treated materials Furthermore laboratory tests effected by CNR Italian National Research Council state that the materials treated with IMPERSTON NATURA once dried and properly washed with clear water are suitable to the contact with liquid and solid food stuff at room temperature
IMPERSTON NATURA can also be applied as a protective basic foundation for highly absorbent surfaces (such as limestone), followed by a surface treatment application (such as wax)